There is something to be said about Middle-Eastern supermarkets, aka Grocery Stores.
Although, stepping into a grocery store in the West, for me is no less than an errand and a source of stress, there is something to be said about the joy that I experience in the Middle-Eastern markets.
I am not sure that is it because, we grew up in the Middle-East, that I have affinity with these markets, or is there really something more serene in there.
As odd as it may sound, I could technically spend my entire day and week, just browsing the stores, especially the smaller ones, and get rejuvenated at the end. I have shared some of my pics, videos and blurbs on my supermarket visits in UAE this time.
I yet have to find the chocolate based icecreams in the US. The only ones that I have eaten are generally Twix or Kitkat.
Simply love the idea of eating Bounty and now Ferrero Rocher as icecreams
Everytime I come to the Middle-East, just looking at the Milk Chews reminds me of my childhood days. Fruittella is another must to have chew in your bag
But Rainbow beats them all